2015-05-13 16:43:08
Card Drawing System Introduction: the main way to get cards inside the game, different type of card drawing can get different kind of card type. Card drawing type such as: Free draw, Diamond draw, Heaven luck draw and also wei/shu/wu/warlord selection card drawing.
Free Draw Mode: Every player have 5 times free draw daily, Free draw can get all 4 type of cardssuch as Black, Blue, Silver and Gold, and it have the chance to getall country type cards.
Diamond Draw Mode: Consume diamond to draw cards, have the higher chance rate to get gold cards, it also has the chance to draw all country type cards.
Heaven Luck Draw: Each time process a card drawing(Except Heaven Luck Draw), will increase the heaven luck value, when the heaven luck rate reach 100 then will get one chance for heaven luck draw. Heaven luck draw can 100% get a gold card each time.
Selection Draw Mode: Consume Diamond to process card drawing, will only get country Relevant type of card, have more higher chance to get gold card then diamond draw mode.
And also, you may draw free card after a battle. have a small chance to get gold card, Diamond draw, Selection Draw will not getting any black card.